Monday, 18 March 2013



>Should I smile because we are friends? Or cry because we'll never be anything more?

>Remember when I said I'm fine? Yeah, I lied.

>NO, you don’t have “haters”. People just don’t like you. Get over yourself.

>Don't sweat it or regret it, just move on and forget it.

>"I'm just tired" = I just don't want to tell you what's wrong, so go away.

>If it makes you happy, do it. If it doesn’t, don’t.

>I'm a leader, not a follower... Unless it's a dark place, then **** that ***! You're going first!

>My life. My choices. My problems. My mistakes. My lessons.

>I wish tweeting could burn calories..

>I Don't try to be Awesome. Awesome tries to be me

>There's something about your face that makes me want to punch you.

>I hate being second to those I put first..

>Don't break anybody's heart, they have only one… Break their bones, they have 206.

>Reasons why I stop replying: 1. I'm busy 2. you're boring 3. I'm mad 4. you replied with one word 5. I'm 
on twitter 6. I'm eating.

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Tips To Live Better

>>>Do not Fear and Worry

             Fear and fear is the mind of our most productive. Most of the things we worry about or fear of                          
             never happened. So for what we are worried and scared?

>>>Do not Ever Keep Vengeance

      Revenge is the biggest thing and would be if we keep the heaviest burden in the liver. Will you take him 
      for life? .... I do not think so. Do not waste our energy to hold a grudge, it would be pointless. Use our 
      energy is for positive things.

>>>Do not Let frustration and even perplex Organize Your Life

       Have pity on us more than anything else, I mean we should not give in to frustration. Developed further.
       Take positive action and do it consistently.

>>>Do not Live in the Past

      May feel comfortable for us to remember the pleasant things in the past but do not you fall asleep in it. 
      Konsentrasilah with what is happening now, because we shall be able to feel a lot of happiness in the 
      moment. I am sure we will have much feeling happy if we celebrate what is happening now compared to 
      the remembrance of past happiness in the past.

>>>Focus On A Problem

      If we have some problems, we solve the problems one by one. Do not think of to solve the problem at 
      once because it will instead make us stress.

Friday, 15 March 2013

Cara Membuat Layang-layang

Cara Membuat Layang-layang
Beli atau buat sendiri? Berikut cara-cara membuatnya:

Persiapkan bahan-bahan berikut:
1 potong bambu tipis dengan lebar +/- 1 cm dan panjang +/- 80 cm, 1 potong buluh tipis dengan lebar +/- 1 cm dan panjang +/- 40 cm, Kertas tissue atau kertas minyak dengan ukuran sesuai dengan ukuran buluh, gam, Pita gulung agak tebal, Tali atau benang, Gunting, gam, kertas "tracing"
Cara Membuat:

Letakkan kedua bambu secara menyilang dengan titik pertemuan pada 1/3 dari bambu yang paling panjang Lekatkan kedua bambu tersebut dengan menggunakan tali atau benang.

Ikat dan hubungkan ke empat hujung buluh dengan tali atau benang hingga membentuk wajik. Sekarang rangka layang-layang selesai, lalu letakkan rangka layang-layang tersebut diatas kertas.

Tanda kertas tersebut sehingga mengikuti bentuk rangka layangan.  Tambahkan ekstra 2.5 cm untuk garis potongan.

Gunting kertas tersebut mengikuti garis potongan.

Lipat bagian kertas kearah belakang, lalu lekatkan pada rangka dengan menggunakan gam.

Untuk keseimbangan, tambahkan ekor dari tali atau benang sepanjang sekitar 1 meter, ikatkan pada bahagian bawah layang-layang. Langkah seterusnya, tambahkan guntingan kertas untuk perhiasan.

Buatlah lubang di tengah-tengah layangan (dekat dengan tempat penyilangan bambu rangka) masukkan tali atau benang layangan ke lubang dan ikatkan ke titik persilangan, lalu ikatkan hujung yang lain ke hujung bawah rangka layangan ( panjang tali sekitar 90cm)

Hary -